Introducing the Kägi team

At Kägi, around 100 employees are taking care of our products, the much favoured chocolate wafers. Production, marketing and sales are located in the beautiful Toggenburg valley in Switzerland as well as a few sales representatives who live around the world.

kaegi team

On the photo you can see the entire Kägi team (unfortunately a few employees are missing in the picture).  As you can see, Kägi is a very small company with a long tradition deep-rooted in Switzerland. Once a bakery (in 1934), Kägi got bigger and bigger and now Kägi sells its delicious premium products in a lot of countries around the world.

Chocolate flavor is in the air

Most of our employees are working directly with our chocolate wafers: they are working in manufacturing, fill the yummy wafers, cut and coat them with our homemade chocolate, pack and send them out into the world. Only about 25 employees work in our offices: They take care of sales, purchasing, logistics, marketing – and of course you! As the offices and the manufacturing are in one building, there always is a nice smell of freshly baked wafers and chocolate in the air. Who wouldn’t love working here? ;)

26. September 2012